Wednesday, December 20, 2023

To Really See


Featured image: Just for Wonderful You

Today, well every day really, stop rushing around standing in  your own way. 

Sit quietly and allow your eyes to really see- a moon, stars, clouds, the sun, a friend, a favorite color and have an unforgettable experience.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Lapis Ribbon


Featured image: Lapis Ribbon

blue as the sky

tiny lapis ribbon

                tied around her neck

inspires her, gives her courage,

magnifies  her creativity

                awakens her senses

gives her peace

Monday, December 18, 2023

Living Earth II


Featured image: Sky Earth River

Living Earth II

living earth

a creator

of sun…water…



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Living Like A River

 Featured image: River's Edge

Living like a river

Flowing crystal clear

Carried by current

Wind and surprise


Monday, December 11, 2023

The Sky


Featured image: From the Sky

The sky represents infinity, eternity, immortality, and transcendence; it is the residence of the gods, it is omnipotence. The sky also is symbolic of order in the universe

~Online references

Friday, December 8, 2023

📣 Announcement: Christine Alfery Achieves Nautilus Fellowship Membership!


Featured image: The Sky Stone Jacket

I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I have achieved a milestone in my artistic journey. The membership committee of the International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA) has recently bestowed upon me the esteemed Nautilus Fellowship membership level. My work, "Turquoise Jacket," being accepted into the "Utterly Profound" exhibition has brought me to this prestigious honor, placing me at the next level of membership above the signature level. I am deeply honored and humbled to have been granted this status.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

To Care


Featured image: Dreamer

she knew how right it 

was to care for all the hopes,

and dreams of tomorrows