Thursday, March 28, 2024



Featured image: Sunrise in the Morning at the Lake

Her wagon was behind her.  Maggie walked by her side, smelling the smells along the way. Maggie followed her on the path to the back of the woods.  It was so glorious to greet the new day this way. Sitting in her chair, coffee in her hand and the woods filled with bird songs, she watched the sun rise above the horizon.  Maggie is gone now, and she no longer lives by those woods, but she still takes her coffee, sits in the back, and watches the sun rise over the horizon, and the woods behind her house are suddenly filled with glory.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Where is Art?


Featured image: Our Connections

Where is art in music?

Is it between the notes and the pauses in between?

Where is art in a painting?

Is it the pause between?????

The pause between the brush and the mark?

Art is the idea and it is between the idea and the creator. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Seeking Harmony


Featured image: Be Different

when seeking 


be careful

Not to remove


difference is


uniqueness is you

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Swirl


The swirl
The swirl of startled finches …leaving the feeder
almost touches me … sitting in my Adirondack chair,
enjoying watching the day begin.
Perhaps when they reach me…they will ask me to
fly with them.

Thursday, March 21, 2024



Featured image: Stars in the Sky

Today, well, every day, really stop rushing around and quietly, in your own way, allow your eye to see. 

To see the moon, stars, clouds, the sun, a friend, a favorite color and have an unforgettable experience.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Off Again


Featured image: Sparrow

sparrows flocking 
     at the feeder
they are off 
     in a minute
fluttering and eddying
back again – giddy
where to next, 
     they are off again
amazing, such a wonder.