"Galaxy" by Christine Alfery 22x30 Watercolor
How Do We Know It Is Art?
To know something is to have knowledge of something. So how
do we know something? Do we used words,
numbers to know something? Words and
numbers can be manipulated to suit desires and needs. So we may know something that is based on
desires and needs but that isn’t a kind of knowledge that can be valued and
judged by all as a truth. How we know
something, our knowledge of something needs to be based on facts.
Words numbers need not be related to something, they can be
arbitrary and based on social conventions. Facts need to be related to something, visible to all, they cannot be
arbitrary. Words often are based on
social conventions. If knowledge, how we
know something, is based on social conventions such as words and numbers then
knowledge is arbitrary.
Knowledge with this kind of foundation, words and numbers
based on social conventions and desires, is only valid because it is convenient
for it to be valid. To validate
something in this manner makes value and truths arbitrary and variable simply
said not valuable.
Knowledge with a foundation of facts that don’t change based
on desires and social conventions can validate something. Facts are valuable.
So how should we validate art? How do we know a work is indeed art? Should art be validated through arbitrary
words such as, I like it so it is good, or I call it art so it is art.
Where is the power behind art? In the past and indeed to this day art has
been validated through aesthetics. But
the aesthetic is arbitrary and personal and filled with desire. The power behind art lies in the values we
place on art. Art must have value, it
cannot be anything and everything.
Where is the power behind art? It is not in arbitrary words and numbers that
change with desires, rather it is through facts, real facts. What are the real facts of a work of
art? Is it original? Is it one of a kind? Is it unique? Does the
artists self shine through the work? Does
the concept of what the artist is trying to convey shine through the work? Is the context of the work evident?
I have talked about concepts before, so I will just give a
brief summary here. Concepts are created
from abstractions, abstractions are floating around in the artists mind, and
when the artist relates them to something, interlinks them to something they
become conceptual. Once they are conceptual
they are integrated with context.
Context is how we know something.
How we know something can be based on facts which are real or words and
numbers that can be manipulated.
The power behind art is how we value it. How we value art is based on how we know art.