Featured image: Nature's Truth
Freedom in the Middle Space is like meadows filled with wildflowers.
Meadows filled with an overflow of different kinds of flowers intermixing is nature’s way of being very creative. As I pass the wildflower meadows where I take my walks, I see bright magnificent colors of intermingled deep blue greens, yellow greens and whites.
I trust nature, like I trust those in the middle who honor and respect choice and the individual. I trust nature, the natural space of the earth, water and trees, bugs, birds and critters. I trust nature with its wind, rain and snow. I trust the natural space of sunrises and sunsets along with the natural space of a field of wildflowers. For me, nature, the natural, is all about creation, It is something that is part of me and I am a part of it. For me, it is part of the large and the small, the positive and the negative, life and death.
I looked up the word nature. Its meaning comes, of course, from Latin, meaning “natura.” Natura, dawn of life, to be born, creation. No wonder I trust nature.