Featured image: Sun, Tree, Water
Landscapes quietly absorb the tones, textures and rhythms of our living.
Featured image: Sun, Tree, Water
Landscapes quietly absorb the tones, textures and rhythms of our living.
My commitment in life is to be constantly creative and to encourage others to live creatively. Think about it….. If we all live creatively and valued creativity, how different the world would be.
My commitment to my work is to always challenge myself and be creative. That means I want my work to be filled with the spirit of freedom, the spirit of individual freedom and that the spirit of the collective is freedom. Freedom of spirit and spirit’s vision.
How does an artist create freedom in their work? It depends on how an artist defines freedom. Imagine how freedom would be if we all lived in spaces that are surrounded by our concept of freedom. Our spaces that are created by the creator, ourselves and not another.
Featured image: Wolf
Is your space, the one that surrounds you all the time, filled with new insights, new perspectives, new examples, new options, new alternatives, and new doors to walk through? If not, perhaps you have to think about your choices, the ones you make personally so that your space, the one that surrounds you, is filled all the time with new insights, new perspectives, new examples, new options, new alternatives and new doors to walk through.
Featured image: Sunrise In The Morning At The Lake