Thursday, November 30, 2023

Does a Rock Have a Smell?


Featured image: Rocks Along the Ogami Shore

Does a rock have a smell?

Perhaps moss, earth; but really for the most part rocks, that is a rock all by itself – just washed, doesn’t have a smell.  Well, that is my take anyway.  The lack of smell in a rock illuminates smell in so many other things surrounding it.  For example the rocks in my garden, and their lack of smell don’t distract me from the wonderful smells of my flowers in the garden. 

Smell and no smell need each other. They  are opposites. Life is the same way.  Opposites need each other, difference is extremely important, for it illuminates our otherness, like rocks and flowers.  

Celebrate otherness.  Celebrate life.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023



Featured image: Rocks, Rocks and More Rocks

rocks….. lake

superior shore

a striped one catches my

eye …. I gather it

and will journey

with it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Earth's Vibrations


 Featured image: Earth Sings

I have found ….

     my thoughts

      my words

      my actions


in balance


earths energy and


Monday, November 27, 2023

Change Is


Featured image: Change II

Change Is….

change is …..


north winds


rattle trees

leaves quiver

their scent in the wind


change is ….


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Who You Are


Featured image: Not All Who Wander Are Lost

When who you are

Can no longer be

What you do

And who you are

Is simply

Who you are

~ Zach Hivey

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

This Land

Featured image: Arizona Landscape
this land…. the land
dancers with
the sun the wind
the rain

Monday, November 20, 2023

Parallel Worlds

Featured image: Snow Globe

parallel worlds

gardens surround her

like a snow globe 


sky above her

in parallel worlds

cell phones demand attention

cars filled with folks

going to work   …

yet …

she is able to sit

in a remote place of solace and beauty

a sanctuary

a sheltered 

a snow globe