Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Divine Jewels


Featured image: We'll Sing in the Sunshine II

Divine jewels

we are divine jewels

we majestically become

part of the

dewdrops on grass

dewdrops become part of

rivers, streams, 

that are forever

changing moving

we are divine jewels

we are a dewdrop

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Live Beyond the Lines


Featured image: New Colors from the Garden

Live beyond the lines

Live the magic

Of life

Make the unlimited

Be a part of 

your life

imagine beyond what is


it's ok to color outside

the line

I give you permission –

To – live beyond the lines.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Intuition and Imagination


Featured image: The Journey of a Gypsy

Intuition and imagination

Wake up your intuition, take a deep breath, exhale slowly. 

Our intuition guides us to follow our own path. Our intuition works as a team with our imagination. Intuition, imagination, they work as a team. They fill us with energy. They exhaust us.  When we follow their paths, they connect us with our nature and our identity and we can follow our own light.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Flickers of Life


Featured image: Earth's Jamboree

Flickers of life - greenness

Leaping joy of


flickers of life

turn your face to the


Rest in flickers of



whenever you can.

Sun rises listen

woods trembling with


forget everything, 


think about the

greenness of the

day and 

flickers of life

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Listen With Everything You Are


Featured image: Nature's Truth

Listen with everything you are

I am in love with springtime,

 joy of new life emerging

listen with everything you are

listen to the cry of the jays

Black birds

list with everything you are

to the hum of the waking world

It’s beginning again

it’s beginning again

its beginning again

wake up to the

earth is trembling

with possibility

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Heart is Calm


Featured image: Dancing with the Wind and the Trees

In the woods I stand with the trees and in the sunshine.  I could stay here for hours.  These times lift my heart and take all my worries away.  I listen to everything the woods are saying and my heart is calm.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



Featured image: Which Way


     Is habit


Kills spirit












